Aprajita Gupta
When a woman leaves her natal home after marriage, what does
she carry with her and what gets left behind?
Raqeeb and Manvendra
Inside the walls of B25 is a sanctuary, where lives intersect, stories intertwine and people flourish.

Lipika Singh Darai
A personal essayistic documentary that explores the beauty and depths of friendship between B and S.
Rajkumari Prajapati and Ruchika Negi
How does one show the ordinary, viscerally? How do you use the camera to reveal structures of power and, maybe, even take back some power for ourselves?
Pranami Koch
A diary film that attempts to rebuild the severed connection between the filmmaker and her ancestral tribal identity as an indigenous Koch woman.
Rafina Khatun
The story of a young Muslim woman dreaming differently in a patriarchal society determined to silence her.
Nikita Parikh
Alsana’s drawings show signs of the society seeping in, as she grapples with her identity and conflicts closer to home.

Priya Sen
Pari attempts to describe an event in the days of Pari and Praveen, a violent rupture that allowed in a life held by desire and not duty.
Prachee Bajania
The threshold of a home, the liminal space that speaks to the lives of women, including the filmmaker's mother and her friends who live in the small town of Dhrangadhra.

Aakash Chhabra
A secret between a mother and a son that must be kept hidden, despite the yearning to break free.